Monday, March 22, 2010

Kim and Jake's Cakes and…a little duck!

We’ve got 1.5 issues to discuss right now. First, we’ve got the fact that Kim can make super cool objects out of food. That’s neat. It is so neat that an entire blog entry will be devoted to that in the near future. (This, as you can see, is the .5.) Second, we’ve got the fact that…KIM HAS MADE THE CUTEST FOOD DUCK BABY IN THE WORLD.

Don’t believe me? Well here it is. I can barely look at it without yelling. An excited yell, of course. A yell that sounds like, “Ah! That is the cutest baby ever!” More like a squeal.  But a squeal sounds like something a pig does. And what a pig does is not cute enough to describe the marzipan baby duck.  But still, it's the "cutest baby ever noise."  It’s just that in this case, it’s not a human baby. And it is actually not even alive. It’s just a little marzipan baby duck, living life in the same place on a table cloth.

Most of you reading this blog don’t know me. And I’m fine with that. But you’re going to learn something about me real quick, and it starts here, with the marzipan baby duck. I love little things. Wee tiny baby precious things. And this duck is freakin’ cute. If I could put it on a necklace just so I could look at it all day, I would. I’d even glue it to a headband so everyone around me could get a better look. Because I love this wee tiny marzipan baby duck. And I guarantee if people see this attached to a headband, cruisin’ down the street, it would make their day. I mean make their day. Hands down. No doubt.

By the way…in case you’ve forgotten who adorable this little guy is, here he is again. And I made him bigger.

And good news. Always…we always have good news. You can get a marzipan baby duck, too. Your own baby duck! Because Kim can make you one. And she can put it on a cake or a cupcake. Can. You. Imagine. A wee tiny precious marzipan baby duck on a wee tiny precious cupcake? No photo of that yet (probably for the better).

Soon, I’m going to ask Kim and Jake to make me a cake with blue icing and a wee tiny precious baby hippo on top. It will be like the little guy has his own pool! I think I will ask for two wee tiny precious baby hippos, because how sad to see just one lonely baby hippo, in a pool without a buddy?